lasersouq bahrain wooden gifts maps and motorsports maps


Welcome to my artistic world! I'm Bruce, a digital media artist and photographer who recently embarked on an exciting venture in crafting handcrafted art pieces. My focus lies in creating unique multi-layered wooden maps and captivating motorsport designs using a laser engraving machine.

As an artist driven by passion and attention to detail, my goal is to evoke cherished memories and inspire a sense of wonder through my creations.

Each wooden map I meticulously craft tells a story, preserving the spirit of special places and experiences.

For motorsports enthusiasts, I offer intricately engraved circuits that capture the excitement and nostalgia of racing. These distinctive pieces make unforgettable and meaningful gifts for those who share a love for the thrill of the track.

Craftsmanship is at the core of my work. I personally select high-quality materials and combine technical expertise with artistic vision to ensure every piece is crafted to perfection.

I invite you to join me on this creative journey as we celebrate the beauty of art and the joy it brings. Explore my diverse collection and discover the perfect piece that speaks to your unique style and passion.